Baukroll Management Strategy

wild spinner

In order to keep on playing, you should develop some bankroll management strategies. All depends of what type of a player you are.

You can be conservative, and you can be a risk taker. Also, you can be a low roller, and you can be a high roller. All combination demand different approach, but the goal is always the same - to keep you playing on.

Simple strategy

If you don't have big amounts of money at your disposal, but you are willing to risk that what you have, you are in category of risk taking low rollers. The strategy is simple; if you receive a payout, you will bet the highest amount in the next spin, and if you don't, you will reduce your bet for the next spin by one coin. This is so called Simple strategy.

Up The Steps strategy

You don't have much to spend, but you are a conservative player - if you receive a payout, you will increase your next wager by one coin; if you don't receive a payout, you will reduce your next wager by one coin, simple as that. Maybe it is without the winning streaks, but you would be able to play longer.

3 Star Strategies

This strategy requires three wins for winning streak, and three successive losses for loosing streak. Only in those cases the player changes his wager.

It depends if the player is risk taker or conservative player, but there are variations for both above-mentioned strategies, just with higher amounts involved.

Patterns Strategies

Patterns strategies are for those who don't believe in winning and loosing streaks - they don't care about the last spin.

Of course, there is a difference between high and low rollers, but the pattern is basically the same. The only difference is the number of coins invested in the game - a low roller will place lower amount on fewer lines, and a high roller will put the maximum number of coins on larger number of lines.